The Body

Kris MacQueen, Aug 25, 2017, 2:39 AM
Kris MacQueen National Catalyst of Vineyard Creative

This conversation with professional Montreal dancer Janelle Hacault was so much fun, challenging, and very moving (literally) for hosts Matte and Kris. Conclusion: the body matters. Our body is where joy is expressed and pain is worked through. There's a reason why Jesus has one and a reason why Scripture is so purposeful in applying the body metaphor to the Church.

Imaginators Podcast Smaller File.png


Kris MacQueen National Catalyst of Vineyard Creative

And here's the video we're talking about:

I've been noticing my body a lot more this week since listening to that podcast, and it turns out it is very noisy and has a lot to say.  Thanks a lot!  No seriously, there is some deep appreciation under the mock sarcasm.