I can't think of a year that's been more acutely connected to the themes, language and practice of Advent. 2020 has been hard. It has been a year of isolation, full of murmurs, outcries, outrage and conspiracies. And of course... Covid. We've all been inundated with a constant white noise of information... a flood of truth and untruth and sort-of truth and outright lies. In an attempt to neatly sum the experience of this year, let me try a single word:
Most of us know what it's like to be disoriented. It's the experience of not knowing which way we're facing. Of not recognize the terrain. Of being lost. Let's start here, where we are. A bit (or a lot) lost. In the dark. Unsure of the best, most right way forward. Advent is comfortable with that condition of soul. Advent is even comfortable with that being the shared condition of an entire group of people. Into the midst of our lost-ness, our uncertainty, we send up a flare. We light a single candle in the darkness, and some clarity emerges. A little definition. A bit of hope. Each week invites more light into the darkness. More clarity. A way emerges. The way emerges. Christ. God with us. Jesus.
Not unlike the "cry in the wilderness" described by Isaiah, the familiar advent refrain seeps into the final moments of this year: "O Come, O Come Emmanuel!" This expression welcomes us into the Advent season with a gentle but weighty resonance and leads us towards the moment of incarnation. Jesus here. Among us. Our God with us.
Once again this year, we're compiling creative resources to help our local churches journey through this season. Please make use of them however they may be helpful. We've tried to provide the content in a variety of formats to help make them as useful to you as possible. As always, the Common Revised Lectionary selections come from the Vanderbilt University online resource. Such a gift to the church. https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/lections.php?year=B&season=Advent
This page will be updated as we develop and discover more resources, so please check back periodically throughout the coming season.
With great affection,
Kris MacQueen
Catalyst, Vineyard Creative
email: [Please enable JavaScript to see this content]
"Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviour—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger."
Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in highest heaven,
and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased."
Below are links and attachments to resources that we think could be helpful in our communities as we engage this important season.
Scripture readings for advent from the Revised Common Lectionary:
(This package includes PowerPoints and Orders-of-Service for your readers that are print-ready. Available in Word, Pages and PDF documents.)
Common Revised Lectionary Reading 2020.zip
Erika Kobewka from Old Strathcona Vineyard in Edmonton has prepared some beautiful responsive readings you can access here (pdf, PowerPoint presentations provided): Advent - Responsive Readings (Erika Kobewka).zip
Sabrina MacQueen, one of our Regional Leaders in Ontario, has prepared this Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy. She's compiled it over many years, and it can be tailored for your community as is helpful (Word, PDF versions included): Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy - Sabrina MacQueen.zip
Here are some brilliant Advent poems, inspired by the O Antiphons, by Malcolm Guite:
Here's a curated collection of congregational Advent and Christmas Songs featuring songs from Erika Kobewka, Andy Park, David Ruis, Kris MacQueen and Travis Thuro:
(While we can only provide direct downloads for a couple of these songs, here are YouTube lyric videos, plus chord charts for your worship leaders:)
Youtube Playlist:

Advent charts and two advent songs.zip
Friend of the Vineyard, Garret Viggers has a song video that is a fantastic Advent primer: